Active Chilled Beams for Healthcare Applications

Frenger® have vast experience and a proven track record in supplying space conditioning solutions for 'Healthcare' applications stemming back some 80 years when Frenger Troughton Young pioneered the supply and installation of Frenger® heated ceilings to many hospitals in the UK.
Nowadays, Frenger® utilise their Active Chilled Beam Technology to provide water driven Cooling and Heating with fresh (filtered) air ventilation, with shallow depth constructed Active Chilled Beam (ACB) units that are purposely designed for 'Healthcare' applications.
Chilled Beams are a tried and tested technology predominately used in 'owner occupied' buildings or buildings where the person paying the energy and/or maintenance bills are influential in the HVAC equipment selection / solution. One such sector is 'Healthcare'.
Cooling and/or Heating for Healthcare applications need to be designed as a bespoke solution to fit around the facilities and project specific requirements, whilst also prioritising the health and wellbeing of patients and other building occupants.
Important Aspects of Frenger's Chilled Beams in Healthcare Include:
- Reduced Risk of Contamination
- High Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Increased Energy Saving (Net-Zero / Carbon Reduction)
- Quiet Operation / Low Noise
- Minimal Maintenance due to no moving parts
- Best overall 25-year life cycle cost
Frenger® has two specially designed Healthcare variants of Chilled Beams within their Active Chilled Beam (ACB) range. These two variants are the Eco Healthcare Chilled Beam and the Halo Healthcare Chilled Beam.
All Healthcare Chilled Beam variants come with a 'drop down' heat exchanger as standard to allow for the periodic cleaning and maintenance of all four sides of the heat exchanger.
The unit is also fully accessible from the room space below for inspection of the coil and induction grille without having to remove any ceiling tiles and / or accessing the ceiling void. The rear of the unit is a 'sealed back' to ensure that room air does not get contaminated with air from the ceiling void.
Eco™ Active Chilled Beam
The Eco™ Active Chilled Beam contains a number of patented performance enhancing features, including the unique 'burst nozzle' arrangement which encourages induction and delivers equal distribution of air discharge with minimal noise.
Heat Exchanger Batteries are fitted with extruded aluminium profiles to enhance performance as well as providing the continuous clip-on facility for the underplates.
As stated previously, the Healthcare variant of this beam allows for the heat exchanger battery to be lowered down to allow for periodic cleaning of all 4 sides of the heat exchanger.

'Drop down' heat exchanger for easy deep clean
The Eco Healthcare Chilled Beams, like all of Frenger's Active Chilled Beams, have a 'closed back' design, meaning all induced air (recirculated room air) is induced through the underplate within the room space to avoid any need for perimeter flash gaps and / or openings in the ceiling system.
It also provides a better quality of recirculated air as the recirculated air does not mix with the 'dirty' ceiling void air.
As can be seen in the video below, maintenance for the Eco Healthcare Chilled Beam is easy to carry out due to the drop-down exchange battery feature mentioned above.
Halo® Active Chilled Beam
The Halo® high-capacity and small footprint Active Chilled Beam has become increasingly popular as they can free up valuable ceiling area whilst still handling the significant heat gains and losses.
The unique 360° discharge characteristic helps to deliver high levels of occupancy comfort, which is very key to patient and building occupants Health and Wellbeing. This optimal method of distributing the discharged air in all directions means the shortest possible air throws are created.

Frenger's Halo® Active Chilled Beam
Patient Health and Wellbeing is obviously a very important factor for Healthcare applications as high levels of ambient noise is believed to have negative impacts upon patients including a lack of sleep, elevated blood pressure, or extended recovery times, whereas both Eco Healthcare and Halo have very low noise levels.
You can learn more about the products Frenger® has to offer by visiting our products page or read more articles about the international projects Frenger® has supplied on our latest news page. Alternatively, you can contact our UK Head Office on +44(0)1332 295 678 or